Accelerate innovation on your island

 Learn how to become the facilitator of a co-creation workshop that engages the diverse interests of stakeholders

Introduction from James Ellsmoor, CEO of Island Innovation

Boost innovation on your island in 5 steps and 100 days!

Become a certified workshop facilitator for innovation and sustainable development for islands. Learn tools to engage with local stakeholders and bring about new projects, products and services to drive positive change on your island.

*sign-up on rolling basis!

Become an innovation facilitator

This step-by-step journey will help you become the facilitator of a co-creation workshop that engages the diverse interests of stakeholders. Learn the skills to support the change journeys of organizations and governments in your region. 

Island Innovation circles (5)
Island Innovation circles (6)

Accelerate positive results

Throughout this journey your innovation roadmap will help prioritize actionable opportunities and accelerate their realization. Connect with experienced coaches to improve your innovation skills.

Weekly self-guided videos and assignments to help you practice

Strategies for creative local and regional innovation

A supportive peer community

After the course, you will be
able to:

We invite you to get inspired by the insights, lessons and practical examples gathered from pioneering islands.

*sign-up on rolling basis!

  • Compare the status quo with the desired future “the dream”
  • Create a new or revised policy program with a focus on engagement-oriented projects
  • Build innovation teams for municipalities and regions
  • Develop multi-sector action plans on topics like energy, water, transport, agriculture, circular economy, tourism, emerging technology, and more
  • Spark a “dancefloor” for policy innovation brainstorms

Get to know the course agenda

Island Innovation circles (7)

1. Course Introduction

Dive into this self-guided course to accelerate innovation on your island. 

Island Innovation circles (8)

2. A TIPPING Approach

Learn about the TIPPING approach and a sample of strategies you can select for your innovation workshop. 

Island Innovation circles (9)

3. Prepare your process: chance favors the prepared

A destination is as beautiful as the hardship endured to arrive. Although nobody’s ever shied away from a smooth ride and your stakeholders are more likely to stay aboard. 

Island Innovation circles (10)

4. Creating an innovation roadmap

An innovation roadmap is in essence a co-creation process and by design a journey of diverging and converging with key stakeholders. Learn more on some key steps and milestone along the way.

Island Innovation circles (11)

5. The art of hosting your workshop

Facilitation a great workshop is equal parts art and science. Find out more from experience TIPPING guides how they run their workshops. 

The course was prepared in the scope of the European Regional Development Fund

*sign-up on rolling basis!

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22-23 May 2024 | Prince Edward Island, Canada

Global Sustainable Islands Summit 2024

Prepare to immerse yourself in this landmark event for the
global island community in 2024!
Live from COP28 - Island of Hope
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Our newsletter on island sustainability is perfect for everyone interested in sustainable development, innovation, and island territories! Every week we compile stories from islands worldwide and highlight commonalities, demonstrating the spectrum of innovation from technology to the arts. Our newsletter brings together globally disparate places and strikes a balance of acknowledging and dealing with critical problems while emphasizing the resourcefulness of isolated communities.